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Company Update: COVID-19

We are Open and Serving Our Community
Our company, Dan Wood Plumbing, Heating & Electrical, will continue to serve our community as an emergency resource for plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical services needed during the Coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19.

As recognized in the Executive Order 2020-21 (COVID-19), from the office of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the services our organization provides have been confirmed as part of the critical infrastructure deemed by the Director of the CISA, on March 19, 2020. For this reason, our staff will continue to provide emergency services to our community.

To ensure the health and safety of our employees, and our customers, we have implemented additional sanitization guidelines. More frequent cleanings of tablets, cell phones, office equipment, and the office space has also been implemented. While our technicians are onsite, we have also requested the following:

Service Call Protocols
No shaking of hands and maintaining distance as recommended by the CDC.
Customers will be asked to verbally review and agree to the work completed, allowing the technician to sign off on the tablet/ipad for the customer.
Invoices will be emailed to customers as usual.
Customers may provide a preferred access entrance, front door, side door, basement, etc. to allow technicians to go straight to the problem area.
Face masks and gloves have been provided to all field technicians and will be used under the CDC guidelines.
If any customer is concerned with allowing a technician onsite for a service visit, please call our office directly to receive recommendations or guidance on your situation until we can schedule for a later date. We cannot guarantee the problem can be resolved over the phone, but we will offer as much support as possible.

All of our personnel have been provided the option to stay home if they are uncomfortable with fulfilling their current job tasks due to the nature of the current pandemic. More importantly, all staff have been asked to stay home if they are feeling sick, including but not limited to having a fever, having a cough, or feelings of exhaustion. We kindly ask that if anyone in your home is ill to please inform our team prior to setting up a service call.

We are Here for You
During this time of uncertainty, we are proud to continue to serve our community. For over 62 years, we have been servicing the Metro-Detroit area and will continue to uphold our standards and provide our services during this time. Please call our office directly for any questions, 248-348-4242. Our ‘Specials’ page has also been updated to offer additional discounts during this time.